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Learning to LIVE :)

Posted by Shubhra Bhangui on Wednesday, November 7, 2012, In : Lessons n stories..!!! 

Just read this story.




There was a farmer who had a horse and a goat…                                                                                                                            


One day, the horse became ill. So he called the veterinarian, who said:


"Well, your horse has a virus. He must take this medicine for three days.

I'll come back on the 3rd day and if he's not better, we're going to have to put him down.


Nearby, the goat listened closely to th...

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Tomato Story

Posted by Shubhra Bhangui on Thursday, July 21, 2011, In : Lessons n stories..!!! 
A Jobless man applied for the position of 'office boy' at Microsoft. The HR manager interviewed him then watched him cleaning the floor as a test.

'You are employed' he said. Give me your e-mail address and I'll send you the application to fill in, as well as date when you may start.

The man replied 'But I don't have a computer, neither an email'.

'I'm sorry', said the HR manager. If you don't have an email, that means you do not exist. And who doesn't exist, cannot have the job.'

The man left...
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D boss..hehe

Posted by Shubhra Bhangui on Wednesday, July 20, 2011, In : Lessons n stories..!!! 

A sales rep, an administration clerk, and the manager are walking to lunch

when they find an antique oil lamp. They rub it and a Genie comes out.

The Genie says, "I'll give each of you just one wish." 

"Me first! Me first!" says the admin clerk. "I want to be in the Bahamas,

driving a speedboat, without a care in the world."

Puff! She's gone.

"Me next! Me next!" says the sales rep. "I want to be in Hawaii, relaxing on

the beach with my personal masseuse, an endless supply of Pina Coladas and

the ...

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Jus check d moral..:P

Posted by Shubhra Bhangui on Wednesday, July 20, 2011, In : Lessons n stories..!!! 

An eagle was sitting on a tree resting, doing nothing. A small rabbit saw

the eagle and asked him, "Can I also sit like you and do nothing?"

The eagle answered: "Sure, why not." So, the rabbit sat on the ground below

the eagle and rested. All of a sudden, a fox appeared, jumped on the rabbit

and ate it.

Moral of the story: To be sitting and doing nothing, you must be sitting

very, very high up.

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Management lesson...!!

Posted by Shubhra Bhangui on Wednesday, July 20, 2011, In : Lessons n stories..!!! 

A little bird was flying south for the winter. It was so cold the bird froze

and fell to the ground into a large field. While he was lying there, a cow

came by and dropped some dung on him. As the frozen bird lay there in the

pile of cow dung, he began to realize how warm he was. The dung was actually

thawing him out! He lay there all warm and happy, and soon began to sing for


A passing cat heard the bird singing and came to investigate. Following the

sound, the cat discovered the bird under t...

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Posted by Shubhra Bhangui on Wednesday, July 20, 2011, In : Lessons n stories..!!! 

A turkey was chatting with a bull. "I would love to be able to get to the

top of that tree, "sighed the turkey, "but I haven't got the energy."

"Well, why don't you nibble on some of my droppings?" replied the bull.

They're packed with nutrients." The turkey pecked at a lump of dung, and

found it actually gave him enough strength to reach the lowest branch of the

tree. The next day, after eating some more dung, he reached the second


Finally after a fourth night, the turkey was proudly per...

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How to recruit the right candidate

Posted by Shubhra Bhangui on Wednesday, July 20, 2011, In : Lessons n stories..!!! 
How To Recruit The Right Candidate !!!!!!!!! 

Put about 1000 bricks in a particular order in a closed room with an open window.

Then send 5 or 10 candidates in the room and close the door. Leave them alone & come back after 6 hours to analyse the situation. 

If they are counting the bricks, Put them in the Accounts Department.

If they are recounting them, Put them in Auditing.

If they have messed up the whole place with the bricks, Put them in Engineering. 

If they are arranging the bricks in so...

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Management decision

Posted by Shubhra Bhangui on Wednesday, July 20, 2011, In : Lessons n stories..!!! 
Once Mrs.Gandhi , Advani and Laloo were travelling in an autorickshaw. They met with an accident and all three of 
them died. 
Yama Raja was waiting for this moment at the doorstep of death. 

He asks Mrs GANDHI and Advani to go to HEAVEN. 

But, for Laloo, Yama had already decided that he should be sent to HELL. 
Laloo is not at all happy with this decision.

He asks Yama as to why this discrimination is being made. All the three of 
them had served the public. Similarly, all took bribes, all misused ...

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Nice Story

Posted by Shubhra Bhangui on Wednesday, July 20, 2011, In : Lessons n stories..!!! 

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About Shubhra...

Studied : Electronics and telecommunication engineering at PCCE,Goa(2010) Past work Experience:Worked at Vedanta Resources,Sesa Goa as Instrumentation Engineer Working at:Tata Consultancy Services as Database Administrator

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